Nominated Adviser, Sole Broker and Sole Bookrunner
Canaccord Genuity Limited
88 Wood Street
London EC2V 7QR
United Kingdom
English solicitors to the Company
Fladgate LLP
16 Great Queen Street
London, WC2B 5DG
United Kingdom

Israeli legal advisors to the Company
ERM- Epstein Rosenblum Maoz
ERM- Epstein Rosenblum Maoz
94 Yigal Alon Street
Tel Aviv 6789156
Legal advisers to the Nominated Adviser, Sole Broker and Sole Bookrunner
CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP
78 Cannon Street
London, EC4N 6AF
United Kingdom
Auditor to the Company
Kesselman & Kesselman
Certified Public Accountants (Isr.)
A member firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited
Building 25
MATAM, P.O. Box 15084
Haifa 3190500
Reporting accountant to the Company
PwC Kesselman & Kesselman
Certified Public Accountants (Isr.)
A member firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited
Building 25
MATAM, P.O. Box 15084
Haifa 319050031905

Public Relations adviser to the Company
Alma Strategic Communications
71-73 Carter Lane
Computershare Investor Services plc
The Pavilions
Bridgwater Road
Bristol BS99 6ZZ
United Kingdom
Computershare Investor Services plc
The Pavilions
Bridgwater Road
Bristol BS99 6ZZ
United Kingdom